Tuesday, September 23, 2008

History Of Namma Veedu Montessori School-3

In 2002, January we met Ms. Amuktha Mahapathra from Orissa. She was one of our ABACUS founder and previous principal. She was working with many educational centers to promote child care, Montessori system and other things. She gave a brief talk about Montessori education to all of us. She wanted us to visit few Montessori schools in Bangalore city for 10 days observation. I was the first one to oppose that. Because I was having my mother in hospital for treatment. More than that my research was getting its final shape. But my director called me and requested me to attend the Bangalore program at least for 3 days.
So by January end about 15 of us from ABACUS left to Bangalore. We were given a very warm welcome by Amuktha and we had a very good stay in one of the convent with rich food and snacks.
My first liking for a school:
Next day we went to a beautiful Montessori school which is away from Bangalore city. It belongs to a great lady called Ms.Rama. She is one of the best Montessorian in this world. The way she has put effort to establish her school admired us. We had many questions and she cleared them. She has extended her service to middle class people in Bangalore by offering an acceptable school fees. This made me to think ‘’ why cant poor people do Montessori schooling?’’
The school was named as ‘’ SANSKRITHI’’. The name itself gave me some warmth in my mind. We went to an other school called ‘’GOLDEN BEADS’’ which is an other assert for me. For three nights and days we had many observations and interviews and finally we were taken to the great INDIAN MONTESSORI TRAINING CENTRE. It is located in the midst of Bangalore where I saw my great ‘’guruji ‘’ [teacher] Dr. Ranjendra Gupthaji. He has worked in USA with Mr. Jooston Montessori for 25 years and now got settled in India with his centre. He has produced many Montessori teachers from his Bangalore centre. His plans, system and teachings are very simple but depth in techniques and flexible to undergo. He was in his late 60ies, sitting among young rich Bangalore women who were practicing some Language materials. He gave a small session about grammar and we came to know that our Amuktha madam was also doing the pre- primary course. We admired her interest.
After 3 days I just came back to Madras and gave my observation reports to my director. We do not know for what purpose we were asked to do this observation. I just concentrated in my research and slowly a letter [at that time we all named as bomb] came to us.
What was that?
The Montessori Training Diploma Course. I was almost in the peak of frustration and tears. There were many questions. How to do? Where to do? How to pay for the course? How I will balance my research and this? I have understood from Pre-Primary Orientation course that it is not easy to do it. I knew many people who have left the course in between.
Most of us protested against this, I was prepared to even leave the school. Many of us became tensed. We were told that to work in the school it is very important to do the training. But we were not threatened. We were allowed to think about it. ABACUS gave a letter which said,
· The course will commence on June 1st.
· The school will help in payment.
· It will be for the age group 6 to 12 years [ combination of primary and elementary level]
· The course will be ending by March.
· We must implement the course in our elementary level.
· I was expected to try the Montessori techniques in teaching Tamil.
We all left for the summer vacation with stressed heart. My uncle Dr.Chidhambaram consoled me and advised me to attend the course. I just concentrated in my research because I have to submit the thesis by 2002- October. Let us see what has happened in June.

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